Sheryl Rullan is Filipino-American Evanston based artist who seeks to inspire and uplift the souls of others with the art she creates.
She has spent 13 years as a freelance graphic designer in the city of Chicago. During this time, she gained a great deal of experience creating and designing for many different entities. While doing so, she also collaborated frequently with a wide array of artists and musicians in the city of Chicago.

Currently, Sheryl is focusing the majority of her time designing and creating works under her own studio umbrella, “Sol Rise Studios”. With this company, she often creates works inspired by: nature, the island coast of Hawaii where she grew up, and strong women of color. In doing so, she hopes to bring works of art into the world that illuminate spaces by breathing life, beauty, and inspiration to all who view her work.

Sheryl is an Evanston resident who resides near Coffee Lab Evanston with her husband and daughter. As with many others who live around the Noyes street community, she and her husband can be found picking up their favorite Filipino pastries on Sundays.
Sheryl Rullan-Coaxum
Website: www.SherylRullan.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SolRiseStudio
Instagram: @SherylRullan @SolRiseStudio